How Circumnavicait began…

Hello there friends, new and old! I’m Caitlin (or Cait for short), and I’m so glad that you have found your way to my blog! I started this blog in August of 2017 to detail my adventures abroad through my college, LIU Global. Over four years, I will be studying all over the globe, and I hope that you will all keep up with this insane life of mine as I try to tell stories of my experiences and relay helpful study abroad tips. As for the blog name, one of my fellow students at LIU, Joey, helped me come up with this name after only a 30 minute brainstorming session. What can I say, he’s a master of puns and wordplay. And thus, Circumnavicait was born!

About the girl…

First and foremost, I love to travel. Why else would I decide to attend a school at which I would spend all four years abroad? I was bit by the traveling bug at the young age of 13, when I traveled for the first time internationally to China with a school group. Yep, my first international trip was halfway around the world without my parents. Go big or go home, I guess. When I’m not traveling the globe, I am reading as many books as I can get my hands on (the Harry Potter series is an all-time favorite), kickboxing, or taking as many photos as possible with my trusty Nikon.

About the journey…

In August 2017 I began a four year journey around the world with Long Island University Global. The accredited program is based in Brooklyn, New York, but gives students the opportunity to pursue a major in Global Studies while living in a different location each year. My first year took me to Heredia, Costa Rica, a small town outside of the country’s capital, San Jose. During my first year abroad, I traveled all over Costa Rica and to Nicaragua and Panama. Year two took me to Alcalá de Henares, Spain for the first semester, and Florence, Italy for the second. During my time in Europe, I was able to travel with Global to London, Berlin, around Spain, Vienna, Budapest, and Sarajevo. I spent the first semester of my junior year in Hangzhou, China, and I enjoyed learning Mandarin and sipping bubble tea so much that I planned to return in the Spring. Those plans changed when the Coronavirus pandemic hit, and I spent nearly two months in Australia and then finishing out my semester at home instead. I am now in the first semester of my senior year, and am currently working with a magazine that features all content created by Indigenous peoples in Sonoma County, California while conducting research on the role art-based organizations play in a time of crisis. The final semester with Global typically takes place in Brooklyn, but time will tell if I am able to move there in a few months with the pandemic still going on. On top of my Global Studies major, I will graduate with minors in Spanish, International Relations, and Arts & Communications. This school fell into my lap by way of a pamphlet in the mail, and despite already having applied to 11 other schools, I knew that LIU Global was the school for me!

For a more in-depth look into LIU Global, click here.